COVID-19 PCR appointment Roya Boutique Pharmacy


Anterior nasal and oral PCR tests are available at our pharmacy for customers who have no potential Covid-19 symptoms and no Covid-19 exposure, and who are not required to be quarantined based on federal quarantine rules. The result will be available within 24-48 hours. Customers who are seeking the PCR tests for travel purpose must take their own responsibility to check the types of the tests that are recognized by their destination place/airlines ( eg. anterior nasal PCR, oral PCR, and nasal pharyngeal PCR) before booking an appointment. Roya Boutique Pharmacy doesn’t assume any liabilities that’s related to booking errors, including but not limited to, wrong test type/airline and destination requirements, wrong testing dates and wrong personal information. If you need to do your test at a time that’s not available through the booking site, you can call us to discuss.  If you urgently need the test result on the same day, please call us to inquire about Express PCR test before 11am. If you don’t receive your confirmation email within 24 hours of the booking during our business hours, please call us to inquire.

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